In 1846, Shortly after outbreak of the Mexican-American War, Congressman David Wilmont of Pennsylavania introduced this
controverial amendment stating that any lands won from Mexico would be closed to slavery.
The concept that the settlers of a newly organized territory have the right to decide whether or not to accept Slavery.
Promoted as a solution to the slavery question, popular soverignty became a fiasco in Kansas during the 1850s.
Organized in 1848, his third party proposed to exclude slavery from federal territories and nominated former President
Martin Van Buren in the presidential election of that year.
This series of five congressional statutes temporarily calmed the sectional crisis. This made California a free state,
ended the slave trade in the District of Columbia, and strengthened the Fugitive Slave Trade.
Passed in 1850, this federal law made it easier for slaveowner to recapture runaway slaves; it also made it easier for
kidnappers to take free balcks. The law became an object of hatred in the North.
Members of the Republican party established following the enactment of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854. Republicans were
oppsed to the extention of slavery into western territories.
written by Ameriacn officials in 1854, this secret memo-later dubbed a "manifesto"-urged the acquistion of cuba by any
means necessary. Northerners claimed it was aplot to extend Slavery and the manifesto was disavowed.
After the collape of the Whig party in the 1850s this anti-immigrant and anti-catholic party rose to national prominence.
through the party enjoyed some sucess in local and state elections, it failed to sustain its existance and quickly disappeared.
In 1857, a fraudulently-elected group of pro-slavery delegates met in Lecompton,Kansas, and drafted a state constitution.