Webster-Ashburton Treaty-
This 1842 agreement with Britain resolved the boundary dispute between Maine and New Brunswick,Canada, setting the northestern
U.S. border.
In 1835, Americans living in the Mexican state of texas formented a revolution. Mexican lost the conflict, but not before
its troops defeated and killed a group of American rebels at the Alamo, a fort in San Antonio.
Coined in 1845, this term referred to a doctrine in support of terriotorial expansion based on the beliefs that population
growth demand territorial expansion equaled the exspansion of freedom.
Conflict between the United States and Mexican after the U.S. annexation of Texas, which Mexico still considered its
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo-
Signed on 1848, this treaty ended the Mexican-American war. Mexico relinquished its claims to Texas and ceded an additional
500,000 square miles to the United States for $15 million.