Cocept that ultimate political authority is vested in the citizens of the nation.
Articles of Confederation-
Ratified in1781, this document was the United States first constitution, Providing a framework for national government.
Group of leaders who favored replacing the Articles of confederation with a stronger national government.
Armed insurrection of farmers in western Massachusetts led by Daniel Shay, a veteran of the Continental Army.Nationalist
used the event to justify the calling of a constitutional convetion to strengthen the National government.
Offered by James Madison and the Virgina delegation at the Constitutional Convention, this proposal called for a new
government with a strong executive office and two houses of Congress, each with representation proportional to a state's population.
Proposal of the New Jerse delegation at the Constitutional Convention that Called for a strong national government with
one house of Congress in which all states would have equal representation.
Critics of theConstitution who expressed concern that it seemed to posses no specific provision for the protection of
natural and civil rihgts.
Supporters of the constitution who advocated its ratification.