The right of first purchase of public land. settlers enjoyed this rights even if they squatted on the land in advance
of government surveyors.
A descriptive term fo the era of President James Monroe, who served two terms from 1871-1823. During Monroe's Administration,
partisan conflict abated and bold federal initiatives suggested increased nationalism.
A national economic strategy championed by Kentucky Senator Henry Caly, the American system stressed high tarffs and
internal improvements.
A sectional compromise in congress in 1820 that admitted Mossouri to the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
It also banned Slavery in the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase territory above the lattitude 36'30.
Dartmouth College v. Woodward-
In this 1819 case, the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution protected chartrs given to corporation by states.
In this 1824 case, the Supreme Court affirmed and expanded the power of the federal government to regulate interstate
Ruling on this banking case in 1819, the Supreme Court propped in the idea of "implied" meaning the constitution
could be broadly interpreted. This pivotal ruling also asserted the supremacy of federal power over state power.
A key foreign policy made President James Monroe in 1823 that admitted MIssouri in 1823, it declared the western hemisphere
off limits to new European colonization.