Valencia M.

Chapter Twelve

The Pursuit of Perfection

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Second Great Awakening-
A Series of evangelical Protesant revivals that swept over America in the early nineteenth century.
Temperance Movement-
Temperance-moderation or abstention in the use of Alcoholic beverages- attracted many advocates in the early nineteenth century.
Cult of Demesticity-
Term used by historians to characterize the dominant gender role for a while women in the antebellum period.
Betwen the 1830s and 1850s, hopes for societal perfection-utopia- were widespread among evangelcal Christians as well as secular humanists.
A religious group, formally known as the United Society of Believers, that advocated strict celibacy, gender equality, and communal ownership.
Oneida Community-
founded in 1848 in Oneida,NY this Christian utopian community earned notority for instituionalizing a form of "free Love."
An American version of the romantic and idealist thought emerged in Europe in the early nineteenth century, this literary and philosophical movement held that individuals could rise above material reality and ordinary understanding.

Brook Farm-

This Transcendentalist commune, found in Massachusetts in 1841, attracted many leading creative figures during its brief existance.

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