Valencia M.

Chapter Eleven

Slaves and Masters

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Old South-
The term refers to the slaveholdin states between 1830 and 1860, when slave labor and cotton production dominated the economies of the southern states. also known as "antebellum era"
African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church-

Richard Allen founded the African Methodist Esiscopal church in 1816 as the first independent balck-run Protestant church in the United States.

Vesey conspiracy-

A plot to burn Charleston, South Carolina, and thereby initiate a general  slave revolt, led by a free African American, Denmark Vesey, in 1822. The Conspirators were betrayed before the plan was carried out, and Vesey and Thirty-four others were hanged.
Underground Railroad-
A network of safe houses organized by abolitionalist to aid slaves in their attempts to escape slavery in the North or Canada.
Southern Small landholders who owned no slaves, and who lived primarley in the foothills of the Appalachian and Qzarks moutains.
American Colonization Society-
Founded in1817, this abolitionist organization hoped provide a mechanism by which slavery could gradually be eliminated.

Cotton Gin-

Invented by Eli Whitney in 1793, the device for seperating the seeds from the fibers of short-staple cotton enabled a slave to clean fifty times more cotton as by hand, which reduced prodution costs and gave new life to slavery in the south.

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