Valencia M.

Chapter Eight

Republican Ascendancy: The Jeffersonian Vision

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Louisiana Purchase-
U.S acquistion of teh Louisiana Territory from France in 1803 for $15 million. The purchase secured American control of Mississippi River and doubled the size of the nation.
Lewis and Clark Expedition-
Overland expedition to the Pacific coast led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark.
Barbary War-
In Response to constant attacks on trading vessels by pirates from the North African Barbary States, in 1801 Preisdent Thomas Jefferson sent Naval squadron to resolve the problem through military force.
Marbury v. Madison-
In this 1803 landmark decision, the Supreme Court first asserted the power of judicial review by declaring an act of congress, the Judiciary Act of 1789, unconstitutional.
Embargo Act-
In response to a british attack on an American warship off the coast of Virgina, this law prohibited foreign commerce.
War Hawks-
Congressional leaders who, in 1811 and 1821, called for war against Britain to defend the National honor and force Britaion to respect American maritime rights.
War of 1821-
War between Britain and the Unites States. U.S. Justification for war include British violation of American maritime rights, impressment of seamen, provocation of the Indians, and defense of national honor.

Hartford Convention-

An assembly of New England Federalists who met in Hartford, Connecticut, in December 181 to protest Madison's Foreign policy in the war of 1812, which had undermined commercial interests in the north.

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