Valencia M.

Chapter sixteen

The Agony of Reconstruction

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Ten Percent Plan-
Reconstitutional Plan proposed by President Abraham Lincoln as a quick way to readmit the former confederate states. It called for full pardon of all southerners except confederate leaders, and readmission to the Union for any state after 10 percent of its voters in the 1860 election signed a loyalty oath a the state abolished slavery.
Radical Republicans-
 The radical Republicans in congress, headed by Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Summer, insisted on black suffrage and federal protection of civil rights of African American. They gained control of Re constructional in 1867 and required the ratifications of the fourteenth Amendment as a condition of readmission for confederate states.
Wade-Davis Bill-
In 1864, congress passed the Wade-Davis bill to counter Lincoln's Teen Percent Plan for reconstruction. the bill required that a majority of a former confederate state's white male population take a loyalty oath and guarantee equality for African Americans. President Lincoln pocket-vetoed the bill.
Thirteenth Amendment-
Raified in 1865, this amendment to the U.S Constition prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude.
Black Codes-
Laws passed bty southern states immediaty after the Civil War in an effort to maintain the pre-war social order.
Freedmen's Bureau-
Agency established by congress in March 1865 to provide freedmen with shelter,food, medical aid and to help them establish schools and find employment.
Fourteenth Amendment-
Ratified in 1868, this amendment provide citizenship to ex-slaves after the Civil War and constitionally protected equal rights under the law for all citizens.
After the civl war, the southern states adopted a sharecropping system as a compromise between former slaves, who wanted land of their own and former slaves owners who needed labor.
This term was applied to Northerners who moved to the south after the Civil War in order to aid in the reconstruction of the South or to invest in the Southern economy.
Members of the National Greenback Party, founded in 1874, who wanted to keep wartime paper money in circulation.
Fifteenth Amenment-
Ratified in 1870, this amendment prohibited the denial or abridgment of the right to vote by the federal government or state governments on the basis of race, or prior condition as a slave.
Ku Klux Klan-
A secret terrorists society first organized in Tennessee in 1866.
Force Acts-
Congress attacked the Klu Klux Klan with three Enforcement of "force" acts in 1870-1871. Designed to protect balck voters in the south.
Compromise of 1877-
Compromise struck during the contested Presidential election of 1876, in which Democrates accepted the election of Rutherford B. Hayes in exchange for the eithdrawal of federal troops from the south and the endiong of Reconstruction.


A loose coalition of prewar Democrats, Confederate Army veterans, and Southern Whigs who took over southern state governments in the 1870s supposedly "reedming" them from the corruption of Recontruction.

Jim Crow Laws-

Laws enacted by states o segregate the population. They became widespread in the south after Reconstruction.

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